Attractions - Sitia

Archeological Museum of Sitia

Founded in 1985 after 50 years of efforts by locals to establish it, the Archeological Museum of Sitia is one of the best on the island

Dikteon Cave

Not far from the village of Psychro in east-central Crete and 15 km south of Malia is the Dikteon Cave, also called the Psychro Cave. It's probably the best-known cave in Greece, because it is considered the birthplace of the god Zeus

Kazarma Fortress

Kazarma Fortress, in Sitia, northeast Crete, built in the 13th century, guarded this eastern Mediterranean port for its Venetian masters during the later period of the Byzantine era

Minoan Palace of Zakros

Zakros is the smallest of Crete’s 4 excavated palaces (the others are Malia, Phaistos, and Knossos). The extent of the palace is a bit larger than an acre (4,500 square meters) and was the focal point of a larger settlement

Toplou Monastery

This monastery, one of Crete's most important, was founded in the 15th century in the semi-desert of extreme northeast Crete, about 15 km southwest of Cape Sidero, Crete's extreme northeasterly point

The Palm Forest of Vai

You can't get much further northeast in Crete than the palm forest of Vai. Just 8.5 km from the island's extreme northeast point, this is the largest native palm forest in Europe.

Kapsa Monastery

Kapsa Monastery sits on an isolated stretch of Crete's southeast coast, 30 meters above the narrow ribbon of the coast road, on a level spot on the precipitous face of an upgrade, near the mouth of Perivolakia gorge