Hotels - Nea Kallikratia

Secret Paradise Hotel

Popular hotel «Secret Paradise» features high-class service and modern facilities, that are perfectly blended with the warmth of family affection

Aqua Mare Seaside

Book your accommodation at one of our air-conditioned rooms and suites and enjoy daily maid service, free Wi-Fi, and a wide range of modern amenities

Aqua Mare Hotel

«Aqua Mare Hotel» is a new hotel which is located in the resort town Kallikrateia, 50 m from the sea, in the heart of the city

Alkyonis Hotel

Small budget hotel Alkyonis, attracts its guests with its cozy rooms and its hospitality

Georgalas Sun Beach

This coastal paradise is located on the coast Geoponika, just 3 km from the center of Nea Kallikratia and 35 km from Thessaloniki